Dhaka, 10 December 2023: UCEP Bangladesh, a leading non-governmental organization dedicated to education and skill development, successfully convened its 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on December 10, 2023 at its head office. Chaired by Dr. Mohammad Alauddin, Chairman of UCEP Board of Governors, the meeting brought together esteemed members of the Board and Association, the Executive Director, senior management team and other officials.
The AGM commenced with a warm welcome from the Executive Director, expressing gratitude for the Association Members unwavering support. A comprehensive overview of the organization’s operational and financial performance for the year 2023 was presented alongside the annual plan and budget for 2024. The Executive Director, Dr. Md. Abdul Karim provided insights into UCEP Bangladesh’s ongoing activities and future sustainability plan.
During the meeting valuable suggestions and guidance were shared for further enhancement of the organizational development and prospects. The collective satisfaction with UCEP,s achievements and financial standing in 2023.
Discussions delved into the organization’s progress and potential, with the esteemed members offering insights on strategies for growth. Their confidence in UCEP Bangladesh’s future impact and development was reiterated, underscoring the organization’s commitment to creating a positive societal impact.
The meeting concluded on a positive note with chairman Dr. Mohammad Alauddin expressing gratitude to all participants and extending thanks to development partners, beneficiaries and stakeholders.