23rd January 2023: UCEP Bangladesh signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA), Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Division of the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology on 23rd January 2023 at BHTPA head office.
Dr. Abdul Karim, Executive Director of UCEP Bangladesh and Dr. Bikarna Kumar Ghosh, Managing Director (Grade-1), Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organization. Mr. Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, Director, People & Administration, Ms. Nazmun Nahar, Director, Finance & Compliance, Mr. Mohd. Abdul Mannan, Director, Porgramme & Innovations, Mr. Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Deputy Director, Programme & Innovations, Mr. Subinoy Dutta, Deputy Director, Resource Mobilization & Communications, Mr. Md. Arif Nur, Senior Specialist, Public Partnership Management from UCEP were present.
Mr. Abul Fatah Md. Baligur Rahman, Project Director, Digital Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem Development Project of BHTPA, Mr. Md. Shofique Uddin Bhuyan, Research Officer, BHTPA were present at the ceremony from BHTPA.
This MoU will provide advance technology focused skills promotion opportunity for underprivileged children, youth and adult through coordinated efforts and cooperation between Bangladesh High Tech Park Authority (BHTPA) and UCEP Bangladesh.
In the speech, Dr. Bikarna Kumar Gosh hoped that this MoU will give BHTPA and UCEP an opportunity to work together for the underprivileged communities by skilling up through ICT.
Dr. Md. Abdul Karim said the MoU will create win-win situation both for BHTPA and UCEP.
Future Collaboration
Right after the MoU signing ceremony, a meaningful discussion happened between UCEP & BHTPA on future collaboration opportunities. BHTPA is developing a project through DPP for Self-Employment & Entrepreneurship Development (SEED) project focusing backward, marginalized youth communities (Tea Garden, 3rd Gender, Water Gypsies (beady), Brothel, Juvenile Detention Center, Prison) in Bangladesh to support them return to standard occupations by providing TVET & Skills Development and Entrepreneurship training. This will contribute to achieve the SGD goals in Bangladesh.
BHTPA gave a positive response to make UCEP a partner of the project. Before starting the project BHTPA wanted UCEP to conduct a Need Assessment Survey to assess the skills need of the youths of the above-mentioned communities. UCEP also agreed to support BHTPA to conduct the Need Assessment Survey.
(Photo Credit: Mr. Md. Arif Nur, UCEP Bangladesh)