As a pioneer of the TVET sector we provide demand-driven quality Technical Vocational Education & Training and Skills Development.
UCEP Bangladesh is one of the pioneers in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector in Bangladesh, working with public and private sector partners for about 47 years. Key focuses of TVET and skills development program are (1) Training leads to productivity, which in turn leads to economic growth (training for growth); (2) Skills development for employability and for achieving decent job (skills for work). It intends to develop an integrated approach to equip the learner with required technical and employability skill for efficient productivity in decent job, which is prerequisite to promote value chain system. UCEP Bangladesh has been providing services through (a) 10 well equipped technical schools working in 8 divisions, which are Registered Training Organization (RTO) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Centers, (b) 17 Outreach Centers (including 3 Government technical training centers), (c) 5 SSC-Vocational Schools.
- Technical training on 37 different courses including 21 National Skills Certificate (Level I & 2) courses.
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment and certification services.
- Training for TVET & Industry Trainers and Assessors on Competency-based training and Assessment of National Certificate Level-IV.
- SSC Vocational 2 years Secondary School Certificate programme (Grade IX & X).
- Customized short TVET and skills development courses for industries, enterprises, projects, and for expectant migrants and returnees.
- Technical support to various agencies of the government and private sectors for capacity building and technical backstopping.
- Development of Competency Standard (CS), Competency Based Learning Materials (CBLMs), Competency Skills Log Book (CSLB) etc.
Story of change (a successful learner/graduate)
I am Sree Kolpona Patro. I have an impairment in my leg since birth. I was born into a poor family in Sylhet and have a sister. My father is a mason and my mother looks after our family. I could study till grade VII but could not continue because of poverty. Our neighbors had always looked down upon me and I did not have any friends because I have an impairment and I felt belittled further when I had to stop my studies. One day I noticed an advertise- ment through a leaflet about admission in UCEP Bangladesh’s technical school in Sylhet in the Industrial Electrical Maintenance trade. I got admission and completed the course successfully. After certification, the Job Placement team of UCEP Bangladesh -mSylhet Region provided me a job at Hobigong Industrial Park (HIP) as an Assistant Electri- cian (Maintenance). I have started with a salary of about US $ 100 and am very happy. My employer is pleased with my work and sincerity and my family is very proud of me. I have now become a role model in the community and neighbors who ignored me earli- er shows me as an example of success to their children.
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