Rangpur is situated in the northern part of Bangladesh. The majority people are poor and live under poverty line. Seasonal employments, under employment, lack of income source or low income are the common income generating features of Rangpur. The gap between rich and poor is extreme. Most of the people work as day labors. Children and adolescent especially female from many poor families are involved in day labor to supplement income generation to their families. The average rate of literacy in this division is low. On the other hand, the rate of early marriage is very high in this district. In addition, for better livelihood, lots of youth migrate to the capital city or divisional cities for jobs where females intend to do jobs in garments industries and males are involved in low paid jobs such as day labor, rickshaw puller, vegetable seller, etc.
It is well known that the government and many national and international NGOs have undertaken special development programs for many years to address and improve the poverty of Rangpur region. The situation has been improving day by day over the years but still much attention needs to be given to the community awareness, community mobilization, community capacity building and participation, local resource mobilization and sustainable development initiatives. Since beginning, UCEP Rangpur Region has been working on General Education, employment through skills training, awareness on Child & Woman Rights and Social Inclusion (CWRA & SI) for the underprivileged children and youth of Rangpur areas.
Regional Manager
Md. Rafiquel Islam
