In 02 parents meeting was held at UCEP Rangpur City Corporation Technical School premises. More than 220 parents were present the meeting and participate in discussion session. The program was started by recitation from Holy Quran. Mr. Md Ziaur Rahman, Centre In-Charge delivered the opening speech. Mr. Md. Abdul Jalil, Instructor-Foundational Skill presented a brief description school attendance and demerits of child labor. Mr. Md. Jahanul Islam, Instructor-Foundational Skill presented our admission criteria facilities of our school in a brief. Mrs. Nadira Khanom, Instructor-Foundational Skill discuss about the demerits of early marriage especially early marriage’s impact on Child health, Familly financial condition as well as the worsen impact on society. Mrs. Kaniz Fatema, Lead Trainer described our Skill Training programs also discussed about the advantages of skilled workers. Mrs. Humaira Akter, Chairman, CCM sharing her experiences. Present CCM members were collected the participant’s attendance. Mr. Md Ziaur Rahman, Centre In-Charge discussed about the school’s facilities and importance of Technical Education in this global era. He also discussed about our fees and other related fees for education. Finally he invited all to visit school and encourages all to admit their son and daughter in our school. Mrs. Sajeda Begum, Chairman by the side of parents was appreciated our program and she wished a bright future of our program. Mr. Md. Belaluzzaman, Instructor-Foundational Skills presented the whole program happily.