“অধিকার, সমতা, ক্ষমতায়ন – নারী ও কন্যার উন্নয়ন”
ঢাকা, ৮ই মার্চ ২০২৫: আন্তর্জাতিক নারী দিবস ২০২৫ উপলক্ষে ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশ এর প্রধান কার্যালয়ে ঢাকা…
ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশ-এর উদ্যোগে শহিদ দিবস ও আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস উদযাপন
ঢাকা, ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫: মহান শহিদ দিবস ও আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস উপলক্ষে ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশ ভাষা…
Honoring the Legacy of Late Mr. M. R. Siddiqi, UCEP Bangladesh’s First Chairperson
UCEP Bangladesh pays tribute to the remarkable legacy of late Mr. M. R. Siddiqi, who…
UCEP Institute of Science and Technology (UIST), Dhaka, organized its Orientation Program 2025 & Job Fair
Dhaka, January 30, 2025 – UCEP Institute of Science and Technology (UIST), Dhaka, successfully organized its Orientation…
চট্টগ্রামে ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশের ইউআইএসটি উদ্বোধন ও চাকরি মেলা ২০২৫
১৮ জানুয়ারি ২০২৫, চট্টগ্রামঃ ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশ তার ৫৩ বছরের গৌরবময় যাত্রায় সাধারণ শিক্ষা, কারিগরি শিক্ষা…
36th Annual General Meeting
UCEP Bangladesh, a non-governmental organization held its 36th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on December 21,…
UCEP Bangladesh Observes International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Hosts Job Fair 2024
Dhaka, 25 November 2024: UCEP Bangladesh marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence…
Japan’s Ambassador to Bangladesh, H.E. Mr. IWAMA Kiminori, Visits UCEP Bangladesh Chattogram Region to Strengthen Vocational Education Partnership
Chattogram, Bangladesh – November 10, 2024 : H.E. Mr. IWAMA Kiminori, Ambassador of Japan to…
Building Futures, Changing Lives: UCEP Bangladesh Celebrates 93RD Birth Anniversary of Founder Lindsay Allan Cheyne
Dhaka, November 4, 2024 – UCEP Bangladesh commemorated the 93rd birth anniversary of its founder,…
Students received Prizes from Biswa Sahittya Kendro 2024
After Receiving of prizes by the students of Nazir Hossain Three Star UCEP TS from…
World Teacher’s Day 2024
On this day all students, staff, guardians was present at this discussion session. . Our…
World Inclusion Day 2024
At first, teachers and students are present in a specific classroom. Then, the students take…
International Day of the Girl Child 2024
16th September 2024 Eid-E-Miladunnabi
World Environment Day 2024
Independence Day 2024
Birth Day of the Father of the Nation 2024
International Women’s Day 2024
Martyr’s Day 2024
Book Festival 2024
38th Death Anniversary of Lindsay Allan Cheyne
UCEP Bangladesh honored the memory of Lindsay Allan Cheyne on his 38th death anniversary. On…
On February 13, the children’s council election of UCEP Ghashitola Technical School was held amid…
UCEP Bangladesh Observes Eid-e-Miladunnabi with Reverence and Devotion
Dhaka, Bangladesh: On 16 September 2024, UCEP Bangladesh observed Eid-e-Miladunnabi, commemorating the birth and passing…
38th Death Anniversary of Lindsay Allan Cheyne Commemorated by UCEP Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh: UCEP Bangladesh solemnly observed the 38th death anniversary of its founder, Lindsay Allan…
UCEP Bangladesh Contributes 10 Lakh Taka to the Hon’ble Chief Adviser’s Relief and Welfare Fund
UCEP Bangladesh has stepped forward to support flood-affected communities by contributing 10 lakh Taka to…
iDEA, Innovation Design and Entrepreneurship Development, conducted a micro-course session at the UCEP Bangladesh
iDEA, Innovation Design and Entrepreneurship Development conducted a micro-course session at the UCEP Bangladesh head…
ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশ দক্ষ মানব সম্পদ তৈরীর কারিগর
————- মাননীয় স্পীকার ড.শিরিন শারমিন চৌধুরী,এমপি ২২ই মে রোজ বুধবার: বঙ্গমাতা শেখ ফজিলুতুন্নেছা মুজিব কনভেনশন…
পলিটেকনিক ইনস্টিটিউটে অপরাজনৈতিক অবস্থা সৃষ্টি হয়েছে : শিক্ষামন্ত্রী
ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশের ৫০ বছর পূর্তি উৎসব চট্টগ্রাম পলিটেকনিক ইনস্টিটিউটে ‘অপরাজনৈতিক’ অবস্থা সৃষ্টি হয়েছে বলে মন্তব্য…
Islamic scholar Sheikh Shah Mohammad Wali Ullah Visited UCEP Bangladesh
On March 10, 2024, in Dhaka : Sheikh Shah Mohammad Wali Ullah, a distinguished Islamic…
UCEP Bangladesh hosted a delegation from the High Commission of Canada to Bangladesh.
UCEP Bangladesh hosted a delegation from the High Commission of Canada to Bangladesh. Ms. France-Carole…
শ্রম ও কর্মসংস্থান মন্ত্রণালয়ের অধীন শ্রম অধিদপ্তরের মহাপরিচালক জনাব মোঃ তরিকুল আলম ইউসেপ কার্যক্রম পরিদর্শন করেন
ঢাকা, ৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪ গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকারের শ্রম ও কর্মসংস্থান মন্ত্রণালয়ের অধীন শ্রম অধিদপ্তরের মহাপরিচালক…
এ. কে. খান-ইউসেপ টিভিইটি কমপ্লেক্স ভবনের ভিত্তিপ্রস্তর স্থাপন
চট্টগ্রাম মহানগরীর মোহরায় এ. কে. খান ফাউন্ডেশনের আর্থিক সহায়তায় ১.৮২ একর জায়গার উপর প্রায় ষাট…
Delegates from the High Commission of Canada to Bangladesh visited UCEP Bangladesh
On February 15th, 2024, UCEP Bangladesh had the pleasure of hosting delegates from the High…
শ্রম ও কর্মসংস্থান মন্ত্রণালয়ের অধীন শ্রম অধিদপ্তরের মহাপরিচালক জনাব মোঃ তরিকুল আলম ইউসেপ কার্যক্রম পরিদর্শন করেন
ঢাকা, ৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪ গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকারের শ্রম ও কর্মসংস্থান মন্ত্রণালয়ের অধীন শ্রম অধিদপ্তরের মহাপরিচালক…
ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশ’র উদ্যোগে স্মার্ট জব ফেয়ার ২০২৩
দক্ষ জনশক্তি ও স্মার্ট বাংলাদেশ গড়ার প্রত্যয় ২৮ ডিসেম্বর রাজধানীর মিরপুরে ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশের উত্তর অঞ্চল…
ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশের মহান বিজয় দিবস উদযাপন
ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশ ১৬ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩ মহান বিজয় দিবস যথাযথ মর্যাদা ও ভাবগাম্ভীর্যের সাথে মিরপুরস্থ প্রধান…
UCEP Bangladesh’s 35th Annual General Meeting Highlights Achievements and Future Plans
Dhaka, 10 December 2023: UCEP Bangladesh, a leading non-governmental organization dedicated to education and skill…
UCEP Bangladesh Celebrates Cheyne Day
UCEP Bangladesh Celebrates the 92nd Birth Anniversary of Founder Lindsey Allan Cheyne as a “Cheyne…
UCEP Bangladesh received the 13th ICMAB Best Corporate Award 2022
07 November 2023, Dhaka: UCEP Bangladesh participated in the 13th ICMAB Best Corporate Award 2022…
Inauguration of Foundation Plaque of Munshi Arfan Ali-UCEP Labor and Employment Institute
On 5 November 2023, Honorable Planning Minister Mr. M. A. Mannan inaugurated the foundation plaque…
UCEP Bangladesh received 23rd ICAB National Award for best presented annual reports, disclosures
30 October 2023, Dhaka: UCEP Bangladesh participated in the 23rd ICAB National Award for Best…
ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশের চেইনী প্রয়াণ দিবস পালিত
ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা লিন্ডসে এ্যালান চেইনীর স্মরণে যথাযথ মর্যাদায় ”চেইনী দিবস” পালিত হয়েছে । ইউসেপ…
BYETS Project’s Partnership Contract Signing Ceremony between Swisscontact & UCEP Bangladesh
Press Release- Date: 24.8.2023 Swisscontact’s Building Youth Employability Through Skills (BYETS) project’s Partnership Contract signing…
UCEP Bangladesh appreciates students excelling in SSC (Vocational) Examinations 2023
UCEP Bangladesh Celebrated World Youth Skills Day 2023
UCEP Bangladesh celebrated World Youth Skills Day on 15th July 2023 in UCEP Bangladesh Head…
Standard Chartered Bank and UCEP Bangladesh to empower 2000 vulnerable youths with employable skills and entrepreneurship training
UCEP Bangladesh, in collaboration with Standard Chartered Bank, has launched “Giving Wings to Dreams for…
German Development Cooperation (GIZ) Explores Collaboration with Underprivileged Children’s Educational Programs (UCEP) Bangladesh
German Development Cooperation (GIZ) representatives, Alexander Dorzenbach, Project Manager, Bettina Schmidt, Technical Advisor, Thomas Lutz,…
Mr. Maurizio Bussolo, Lead Economist of the World Bank visited UCEP Bangladesh
Mr. Maurizio Bussolo, Lead Economist, Chief Economist Office for South Asia of The World Bank…
Executive Director of UCEP Bangladesh met the Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Planning
The Executive Director of UCEP Bangladesh Dr. Md. Abdul Karim (Former Principal Secretary to the…
Executive Director, UCEP Bangladesh visited Mr. Abdul Baki, Member (Secretary), Industry & Energy Division, Planning Commission
The Executive Director of UCEP Bangladesh Dr. Md. Abdul Karim (Former Principal Secretary to the…
UCEP Bangladesh Launched QuEST-II Project
UCEP Bangladesh launched the QuEST-II project at its headquarters in Dhaka on March 20, 2023….
Executive Director of UCEP Bangladesh Visits ERD Ministry
On 13 February 2023, the Executive Director of UCEP Bangladesh Dr. Md. Abdul Karim (Former…
Social Welfare Department and UCEP Bangladesh organized a seminar on Prottoy Project
On 26th January Social Welfare Department and UCEP Bangladesh organized a seminar on Prottoy Project.Dr….
UCEP Bangladesh signed an MoU with the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority
23rd January 2023: UCEP Bangladesh signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park…
FCDO Team Visited UCEP TVET Institute, Rangpur
A six-member team of FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of British High Commission, Dhaka)…
Prof. Md. Hafizul Islam, Member, UCEP Association Passed Away
UCEP Bangladesh expresses deep condolence on the sad demise of Prof. Hafizul Islam. He was…
Courtesy visit to the Director General of Technical Education of the Education Ministry and the Director General of Social Welfare of the Ministry of Social Welfare
On 12 January 2023, The Executive Director of UCEP Bangladesh Md. Abdul Karim PhD along…
The UCEP Executive Team Paid a Courtesy Visit to Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Division
09 January 2023 – The UCEP Executive Team paid a courtesy visit led by the Executive Director Mr. Md. Abdul Karim, PhD, of…
SKUTI Training Program Launched
The inauguration ceremony of the Management Training Course for the Executives of Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing…
Member of UCEP Association, Late Arc. Mubasshar Hussain Passes Away
UCEP Bangladesh expresses deep condolence on the sad demise of Mr. Arc. Mubasshar Hussain, Member…
Meet the Futuremakers
UCEP Bangladesh organized a special program on 15th December 2022 titled Meet the Futuremakers.The program…
34th Annual General Meeting | UCEP Bangladesh
The 34th Annual General Meeting of the UCEP Association was held on 14th December 2022…
UCEP Bangladesh Scores ICMAB Best Corporate Award 2021
UCEP Bangladesh is happy and proud to secure ICMAB Award recently to its credit. Fifty-five (55)…
UCEP Bangladesh Observed Cheyne Day 2022
UCEP Bangladesh observed “Cheyne Day”, the 36th death anniversary of its founder Mr. Lindsay Allan…
UCEP Journey: Bangabandhu and Cheyne
UCEP Bangladesh organized a special event “UCEP Journey: Bangabandhu and Cheyne” on September 06, 2022…
UCEP Bangladesh observed National Mourning Day 2022
UCEP Bangladesh observed 15th August 2022, the “National Mourning Day” and 47th Martyrdom anniversary of the Father…
UCEP Bangladesh Celebrated World Youth Skills Day 2022
UCEP Bangladesh celebrated ‘ World Youth Skills Day” on 27 July at its head office…
World Youth Skills Day 2022
Trained young people are powerful partners in solving problems, creating jobs, and leading change. We…
UCEP Bangladesh Signed an MoU with the Department of Information and Communication Technology, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology
With an aim of contributing towards digital Bangladesh and skill-based society through underprivileged children and…
Nirafat Anam Memorial Inclusion (NAMI) Award 2021
The 5th NAMI Award 2021 has been awarded to Late Mr. Lindsay Allan Cheyne, Founder,…
Congratulations to Dr. Md. Abdul Karim on Making a Mark Achieving PhD Degree
UCEP Bangladesh is extremely proud of our Executive Director’s Achievement and Success to achieve prestigious…
UCEP Celebrated International Women’s Day
To celebrate International Women’s Day 2022, UCEP Bangladesh arranged a programme at its head office….
An Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) was signed between UCEP Bangladesh and SME Foundation
An Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) was signed between UCEP Bangladesh and SME Foundation on March…
UCEP Bangladesh Appointed Major General (LPR) Monirul Islam Akhand, NDC, PSC as Advisor
Major General (LPR) Monirul Islam Akhand NDC, PSC has joined UCEP Bangladesh on 6th February…
GOB Supports UCEP Bangladesh to Establish Digital Labs in its 20 Technical Schools Under the “Sheikh Russel Digital Lab” Project
The Sheikh Russel Digital Lab, a flagship project of the Government, is playing a vital…
MoU signed between UCEP Bangladesh and Mutual Trust Bank Foundation
An MoU was signed between UCEP Bangladesh and Mutual Trust Bank Foundation on 13 January…
MoU signed between BTEB and UCEP Bangladesh
UCEP Bangladesh signed an MOU on 5th January 2022 with Bangladesh Technical Education Board(BTEB) for…
UCEP Bangladesh gets ICMAB Corporate Award 2020
The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB) on 30 December, 2021 awarded…
33rd Annual General Meeting held
The 33rd Annual General Meeting of UCEP Association was held on 22nd December 2021 at…
UCEP signs MoU with Banglalink to facilitate Digital Learning
UCEP Bangladesh has recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Banglalink, one of the…
“Thanks to Development Partners” event organized at UCEP
UCEP Bangladesh organized a special programme on 2nd December titled “Thanks to Development Partners ”…
Foreign Minister Dr. A.K. Abdul Momen MP honors high achieving UCEP students
On Friday November 26, 2021, UCEP Bangladesh organized a special reception for the students of…
High Commissioner of Maldives visits UCEP
The High Commissioner of the Republic of Maldives to Bangladesh, Her Excellency Ms. Shiruzimath Sameer…
UCEP Day 2021 Celebrated
UCEP Bangladesh celebrated “UCEP Day 2021” and the birth anniversary of its founder Mr. Lindsay…
UCEP signs strategic partnership with Chattogram Metropolitan Police and Chattogram Community Policing Committee
On 30th October 2021, a strategic partnership signing ceremony took place between UCEP, Chattogram Metropolitan…
Entrepreneurship Development Training under POWER Project inaugurated
The Decent Employment & Entrepreneurship Development team of Dhaka North Region organized a Training on…
Inauguration of Competency-Based Training & Assessment for Trainers & Assessors at UCEP Bangladesh
Construction Industry Skills Council (CISC) and UCEP Bangladesh have inaugurated Competency-Based Training & Assessment for…
Marico donates hand sanitizers to UCEP Bangladesh
Marico Bangladesh Limited has donated 40,000 hand sanitizers to the poor and underprivileged children of…
Cheyne Day 2021 observed by UCEP Bangladesh
UCEP Bangladesh observed “Cheyne Day”, the 35th death anniversary of its Founder Mr. Lindsay Allan…
President of UAMCSL donates to UCEP Bangladesh
Mr. Jitendra Lal Bhowmik, President of UAMCSL and Member of UCEP Association, has announced in…
UCEP celebrates Mujib Borsho, 50 years of Independence and its legacy
UCEP Bangladesh organized a special event titled ‘Mujib Shoto Borsho and 50 Years of Bangladesh:…
UCEP Bangladesh holds a virtual discussion session in observance of the National Mourning Day 2021
UCEP Bangladesh organized a virtual discussion programme marking the 46th martyrdom anniversary of the Father…
Virtual Eid Reunion on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha
On the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, a virtual Eid Reunion event was held on Saturday July…
UCEP Training Institute (UTI), Sylhet gets reopened
UCEP Training Institute (UTI), Sylhet, a sister concern of the Social Enterprise Development (SED) wing…
Virtual Doa Mehfil 2021 held for late UCEP Association Members & Staffs
UCEP Bangladesh observed a very special ‘Virtual Doa Mehfil 2021’ on June 06, 2021, for…
Executive Director meets with Chattogram DC
Mr. Md. Abdul Karim, Executive Director, UCEP Bangladesh held a meeting on June 2021 with…
Tree Plantation 2021 at UCEP Mirpur Campus
UCEP Dhaka North Region had organized a Tree Plantation Campaign on June 2021. Executive Director,…
Meeting held with SME Foundation
Dr. Md. Mofizur Rahman, Managing Director of SME Foundation agreed to constitute a working group…
UCEP Bangladesh visits Bangladesh Tourism Board
In a meeting on 13th June 2021 with the CEO of Bangladesh Tourism Board Mr….
UCEP Bangladesh collaborates with the University of Dhaka
UCEP Bangladesh signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Department of Psychology at the…
UCEP Executive Director meets with PPPA
With the aim of exploring possible partnership for the upcoming Khulna Project, Executive Director, UCEP…
UCEP Bangladesh Eid ul Fitr Reunion takes place virtually
UCEP Bangladesh arranged a Virtual Eid Reunion event with the participation all UCEP staff after…
Certificate Ceremony for UCEP – SIBL Training Project held
A Certificate Awarding ceremony was arranged on February 2021, to mark the graduation of 25…
UIST celebrates 5th anniversary
UCEP Institute of Science and Technology (UIST) celebrated its 5th anniversary on February 17, 2021…
Bata distributes food among UCEP students
On January 20, 2021, Bata Bangladesh distributed food items among the poor students of UCEP…
MoU sign with SIYB
Winrock International and UCEP Bangladesh joined forces to provide entrepreneurship development training under the ’Ashshash’…
Farewell program for Australian High Commissioner Her Excellency Mrs. Julia Niblett
An event was organized to bid farewell to the outgoing Australian High Commissioner, Her Excellency…
International Literacy Day
ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশ-এর বিভিন্ন বিদ্যালয়ের চত্বরে আন্তর্জাতিক সাক্ষরতা দিবস পালন করা হয়েছে। যথাসম্ভব স্বাস্থ্যবিধি মেনে শিক্ষার্থীরা…
International Day for the Girl Child 2020
The International Day of the Girl Child 2020 was observed at the General and Technical…
Cheyne Day
UCEP Bangladesh observed Cheyne Day, the 34th death anniversary of Mr. Lindsay Allan Cheyne, founder…
Tree Plantation on Mujib Barsha
A country-wide dedicatory Tree Plantation programme marking the birth centenary of the Father of the…
Malala Day
মালালা ইউসুফজাই যিনি এই দশকের সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একজন তরুণী। বিশ্বব্যাপী নারীশিক্ষা অধিকারের পক্ষে এই দশকে…
Training on Social Inclusion
The Social Inclusion department of UCEP Bangladesh had arranged a training on Social Inclusion and Gender with…
World Youth Skills Day
১৫ জুলাই বিশ্ব যুব দক্ষতা দিবসকে কেন্দ্র করে প্রথম আলো আয়োজিত ওয়েবিনারে অন্যান্যদের সাথে আলোচক…
Relief Distribution among UCEP Bangladesh students
3,217 students from the poorest families were supported with aid provided by the Department of…
MoU sign with HSBC
UCEP Bangladesh and HSBC signed an MoU for developing skills of youth to be employed…
International Women’s Day
UCEP Bangladesh observed the International Women’s Day 2020 on Sunday. The day was celebrated with…
Training on Sign Language
UCEP Bangladesh had arranged a three-day long training on Sign Language at the UCEP Training…
Training on Project Management
A capacity development session on Project Management was held with the participation of UCEP Bangladesh…
Training on Robotics
A two-day long training on Basic Skills for Robotics was organized at UCEP Training Institute,…
Victory Day
UCEP Bangladesh celebrated the 49th Victory Day with the participation of officials, teachers, instructors and…
International Human Rights Day
UCEP Dhaka North Region arranged a discussion session with its students and staff to observe…
Training on Mathematics
A 7-days long training on Mathematics was held at CODEC Training Centre, Chattogram. This training…
16 Days Activism against Gender-based Violence 2020
UCEP Bangladesh had observed the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2020, from 25…
Cheyne Birthday 2020
৩ নভেম্বর বাংলাদেশের অকৃত্রিম বন্ধু ইউসেপ বাংলাদেশ-এর প্রতিষ্ঠাতা লিন্ডসে এ্যালান চেইনীর জন্মদিন। এ্যালান চেইনী নিউজিল্যান্ডের…
New Challenges & Opportunities in the Skill Economy of Bangladesh to achieve the SDGs and Vision 2041
UCEP Bangladesh organized a webinar on the 3rd November 2020 on New Challenges & Opportunities in…
Workshop on Strategic direction and programme planning
UCEP Bangladesh had organized a workshop for its staff and teachers on Strategic Direction and…