At first national flag and a black colored flag is raised at half-mast at 08:30am. Then all staff wear black badges. After that a rally with banner and flower wreathwas held with staff which starts from Regional campus to Paba Upazilla Porishad. Then flower wreath is offered to the mural of Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. After rally essay and drawing competition was held among the students. The Head of TVET Institute, Md. Sumon Molla welcomed to the participants and gave concern to start the program.
Then A documentary of Bongobondhu’s autobiography was displayed in multimedia projector. After all competition prizes were distributed among the winners. Then SSC Voc. Instructor, Abdul Kuddus conducted dua –Mahphil with the participants.Finally the program ends with the closing speech of Team Leader-Social Inclusion, Md. Harun-Or-Rashid. In General Schools the day is also observed with respective manners through various activities. The program anchored by SSC Voc. Instructor, Umme Sara.