Activities (what work has been done):
- gathering
- Assembly and National Anthem performance
- Recitation from the Holy Qur’an
- Wreath laying at X Shahid Minar
- drawing competition
- Essay Competition
- Poem Cover
- brief discussion
- wall unveiling
- Distribution of prizes
- declaration of termination

How to Celebrate:
The school yard is colorfully decorated. The program started with the hoisting of the national flag at the beginning of the day. Students participated in the program inspired by the spirit of mother tongue. A colorful rally attended by students laid wreaths at the Shaheed Minar located in the local Shaheed Suhrawardy College campus. Besides, drawing competition, essay competition, poetry cover and short discussion were held. In the discussion meeting, the speakers encouraged the students to respect their mother tongue by being inspired by the spirit of patriotism and Ekush. At the end of the event, the event was announced through the distribution of prizes among the winners of the competition.
Total number of participants:
Staff: 09
Male: 7
Female: 2
Total Students: 92
Boys: 36
Girls: 56
Guest: 03
Male: 01
Female: 02
Contestant Information:
Drawing Competition: Total Participants 20, Total Number of Awardees: 03
Essay Competition: Total Participants 15, Total Number of Awardees: 03
Poetry Cover: Total Participants 15, Total Number of Awardees: 03
Activity based photographs: