Soon after the identification of the first COVID-19 case in Bangladesh in early March, initiatives were taken as immediate actions in and around all UCEP Bangladesh schools & institutes.
On 18 March 2020, in response to government instruction, UCEP Bangladesh has suspended formal activity of its all 32 General schools. General instruction was provided to all teachers and students about how they would keep personal protection, maintain a possible level of communication and student will try to be in touch with their education.
The scale of the effect is also reflected in the TVET sector. With a sudden standstill in the normal running of UCEP Bangladesh technical schools, trainees, and apprentices, were systematically unable to continue planned learning and training processes. A number of trainees’ learning processes have been adversely affected.
As vocational skills focus more on the practical area of skills, it makes remote learning particularly challenging. UCEP Bangladesh has immediately taken multiple timely initiatives to handle the shocks as well as minimize the anticipated risks and negative impacts of this pandemic.
- Strategy and Corporate Affairs Team has Produced short video clips addressing awareness by field experts (Psychology during COVID-19 crisis, Suggestions on Diet & Nutrition that fight COVID-19 better).
- Strategy and Corporate Affairs Team has produced 47 contents for Facebook that had substantial and widespread follower engagement.
- DEED Team has added two new courses (Graphics Design and E-Commerce) to UCEP’s trade list considering the job demand.
- The Technical team has developed weekly communication with 95% of students (out of 16,216) since April 2020 through the phone to facilitate distance learning and psychosocial counseling.
- Technical team has developed 1,416 digital content for the class of Schools and 163 teaching staff received training on using digital tools, content, and platform.
- Technical team had provided commodity support to 11,463 families to from the most vulnerable student’s family.
- Social Inclusion team has conducted special Counseling to 8,942 (out of 22,057) students and trainees (51% Girls) including Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Ethnic and other minority groups through an online session using digital content.
- Social Inclusion team has developed 15 Digital content and 35 flyers on awareness and COVID-19 and used for the student’s awareness.
- UCEP Bangladesh took initiative and arranged different activities engaging students and trainees to increase awareness regarding COVID 19. There are 19,139 trainees were attended the awareness raising activities.
- TVET ans Skills Development developed 769 digital contents and198 online sessions conducted on skills training.
- TVET ans Skills Development has conducted SSC VoC 111 online sessions and 3,282 trainees attended on online sessions