01 January 2024 UCEP-Sulaiman Chaudhury Baluchar Technical School, Sylhet celebrated “Boi Utsob” ceremony. On this occasion Hajera khatun (Chief guest) & UCEP Sulaiman Chaudhury Baluchar Technical School all teachers were present. “Boi Utsob 2024” started with the opening speech of Md Rohis Miah , Instructor Foundational Skill. As a chief guest Hajera khatun delivered his valuable speech. He was very much delighted and thanked UCEP-Sulaiman Chaudhury Baluchar Technical School, Sylhet authority for inviting him to this ceremony. Md. Alamgir Hossain | Head of Technical School gave the closing speech. After his speech, we distributed the new books among the students to the guests. A beautiful gift is given to our honorable guests through students. After dance performances, our program came to an end in this program all staff and Students of UCEP-Sulaiman Chaudhury Baluchar Technical School, Sylhet are present. There were present 425 students (Girls: 245 and Boys: 180).