We had a schedule, the chairman of Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB), Executive Director of UCEP Bangladesh (Former Principal Secretary to Prime Minister) and many high officials of UCEP Bangladesh and BTEB will attend in our বই উৎসব’23 at our beloved KiK UCEP Hesamuddin Technical School at 2:00 pm today (01.01.23). Unfortunately the chairman of Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) couldn’t attend in our বই উৎসব’23 in our school premises. So, Mr. Nur Hossain (Principal, Sheikh Bazlur Rahman College) presided over the বই উৎসব’23 as chief guest. A large number of students and parents (Near about 500 students and parents) were attended in the event. Teachers, parents, guests, head of technical school & centre manager (Md. Abdur Razzaque)were discussed about the importance of Boi Utshob and the responsibilities of students to take new books. Chief guest Mr. Nur Hossain (Principal, Sheikh Bazlur Rahman College)distributed books among the students with head of technical school & centre manager (Md. Abdur Razzaque. After completing distribution of books, a colorful and enjoyable cultural program were took placed. Students, parents and guests are enjoyed the cultural program with exciting manner. At last a colorful photo session was took placed.