Mr. Maurizio Bussolo, Lead Economist, Chief Economist Office for South Asia of The World Bank visited UCEP Bangladesh Head Office on 11 May 2023 with his colleague Ms. Anaise Marie Williams.
During this visit, a local consultant of the World Bank Ms. Nafisa Busra was also present. This visit of the World Bank team was coordinated by the Oxfam International Dhaka office. Mr. Tarek Aziz, Acting Program Coordinator and his colleague Ms. Syeda Samiha Azim, Program Officer, R&D of Oxfam facilitated the visit of the Word Bank team.
Dr. Md. Abdul Karim, Executive Director of UCEP Bangladesh and the Senior Management Team of UCEP Bangladesh received Mr. Maurizio Bussolo and his team with a floral bouquet. After having lunch, the World Bank team paid a visit to UCEP Mirpur TVET Institute and observed vocational training activities of different occupations such as domestic workers, cooking and baking, welding, refrigeration, air-conditioning, welding and automobiles, etc.
During the visit, the World Bank team had special attention to see the training activities of domestic workers. They gave more time to observe the training program of women domestic workers. They also had a small focus group discussion (FGD) with trainees of the domestic workers.
It may be noted that under the project titled “Securing Rights of the Women Domestic Workers in Bangladesh” also called as “সুনীতি” project, UCEP Bangladesh has been providing 10-day training to women domestic workers at five locations in Dhaka. The project was targeted 16,000 women domestic workers to train in domestic work i.e. housekeeping and funded by Global Affairs Canada and World Bank through Oxfam International.
A discussion was held with the senior management team of UCEP Bangladesh following the visit to the Mirpur TVET Institute. Dr. Abdul Karim, Executive Director of UCEP presided over the discussion. He expressed his great satisfaction in seeing UCEP activities in his remarks.