UCEP Bangladesh Student leadership at the school and community level is very strong through using their leadership capacity. One of the most significant initiatives is to form a Child Council committee to engage and ensure other students participating in the school’s discipline and co-curricular activities. Every school has an active Child Council Executive Committee is consisting of 15 members elected by the general students at this respective school.
The main objective of the committee is to develop the leadership quality among the students and boost up their potentiality to enhance their self-esteem. This committee also helps to reduce any type of harassment and abusive activities, violence related to child rights, and children safeguard at the school and community level. They arrange meeting each month to discuss different issues in their school and community. They work very closely with Child Protection and Gender focal persons for ensuring child and the gender-friendly environment in the School. If needed they also talk with the Head of the school, teachers, and other relevant teachers of the respective school.
The school organized 1(one) Child Council (CCM) meeting in which child labor, early marriage, safety security, half yearly exam and psychosocial wellbeing are discussed.