UCEP Bangladesh, a non-governmental organization held its 36th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on December 21, 2024 at its head office. Chaired by its Chairperson Dr. Mohammad Alauddin, the meeting was attended by the members of the Board of Governors and the Association, Executive Director and the senior management team of UCEP.
The Executive Director welcomed the participants and presented the Report of the organization for the year 2024, and the organization’s on-going activities and operations. Esteemed members of the Board and Associations provided some guidance for the further prospect of the organization and approved budget, annual plans.
Association members expressed their satisfaction with the organization’s achievements and financial position in 2024. They appreciated the guidance of the Chairman and leadership of the Executive Director. They also conveyed their full support for the organization’s future growth strategy. Election of new Board was held for members for next two years. Dr. Ubaidur Rob was elected as the Chairperson and Ms. Uzma Chowdhury, CPA was elected as the Vice Chairperson of the UCEP Board of Governors 2025-2026. Mr. Md. Ayub Khan, Deputy Director, Department of Social Services, Dhaka, was present during the election.
Association members congratulated the new Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and other board members. The meeting ended with a vote of gratitude/thanks to the donors, partners, beneficiaries, and stakeholders of UCEP Bangladesh.