April 2021

Rob Sir

Dr. Ubaidur Rob

Dr. Ubaidur Rob is the Country Director of the Population Council Bangladesh Office in Dhaka. He holds a PhD in Population Planning from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MS degree from University of London and MSc from Chittagong University. His areas of expertise include project development, implementation, and evaluation; dissemination and utilization of research

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Ms. Parveen Mahmud FCA

Ms. Parveen Mahmud, FCA, has made significant contributions to the fields of social innovation, sustainable development, and professional accounting. Since 2004, she has been closely associated with UCEP Bangladesh, where she held the role of the fifteenth Chairperson from 2019-2022 and currently serves as a senior member of its association. Earlier in her tenure, Ms.

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Mr. A. Q. Siddiqui

Mr. A. Q. Siddiqui has been associated with UCEP since 1999. Mr. Siddiqui is an M.A. in Economics from the University of Dhaka. He is a renowned banker of Bangladesh. He worked in a number of local & international financial organizations. Mr. Siddiqui was the Chairman of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. He was the Country

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Ms. Sabrina Islam

Ms. Sabrina Islam has been associated with UCEP Bangladesh since 2012. She is the Managing Director of Lily Apparels Ltd. and Director of Concorde Garments Ltd. She is also the Chairperson of SABAH Bangladesh. Ms. Islam was the President of SAARC Women’s Association, the President of Women Entrepreneurs Association and the Vice-President of Bangladesh Employers’

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